Thursday, June 27, 2013


And, so, will the crusade continue. (?)

Then again,

Monday, June 10, 2013


It's her eyes! (Why in the world did I put it at her finger?)

Major has to be more subtle and maybe a little bit more flexible? Hmn... At times, it becomes really difficult to continue the conversation. I can explain myself in a dozen ways but it's going to be the same answer at the end.

Get use to it.

Then again,

Saturday, June 8, 2013


I need to effing get some sleep.

March along Bach.

Then again,

Friday, June 7, 2013


C comes before D. Rest assured, the cub will never go astray, likewise for the fool(s) the god(s) loved.

I watched latest episode of Hannibal NBC when I was under the weather and it didn't sit well with my imagination for the rest of the day. Especially after lunch when the drugs kicked in.

It's 23:55pm, at - . I'm - , and this is my design.

Best thing ever.

Then again,