Thursday, September 20, 2012

White Tiger.

Florence is a wonderful place!

David has a pair of small balls for being the perfect looking male, and beside him is Hercules, who has muscles that are described to look like melons... Machiavelli is actually very good looking. The Uffizi hold a very disturbing painting, Botticelli paintings are outstanding and Leonardo has a penchant for not finishing his work.

The Duomo is the main landmark for everyone and the first print of Dante's Divine Comedy is huge!

Everything is in walkable distance. That makes Ezio's mission in Florence sound plausible.

Tuscany is next.

Then again,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


A magician does not always need a hat for his act.

Then again,

Friday, September 14, 2012

Well, Domo!

For my sister. (despite calling me all sorts of names, I still love her.)

My sister has a Paddington stuff toy that is missing one of his red wellies. He is remarkably adorable even without it. And he is not Winnie-the-Pooh. Definitely not. 

Domo-kun is constantly shocked... but he is adorable as well.

Then again,

Friday, September 7, 2012


My sister has a friend, who is a violinist, that has his hands insured. I do wonder whether artists (of any profession) have their hands insured too.

This time round, I decided to be less forgiving on my hand even though it is still healing... It is frustrating when you are not allowed to draw.

Then again,